实验动物与比较医学 ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (1): 74-84.DOI: 10.12300/j.issn.1674-5817.2023.062

• 人类疾病动物模型 • 上一篇    下一篇


梁天薇, 邓亚胜, 黄慧, 荣娜, 刘鑫, 王玉洁, 林江()()   

  1. 广西中医药大学基础医学院, 南宁 530200
  • 收稿日期:2023-05-11 修回日期:2023-08-04 出版日期:2024-02-25 发布日期:2024-03-07
  • 通讯作者: 林 江(1963—),女,博士,教授,博士生导师,全国第七批名老中医药专家学术经验继承工作指导老师,研究方向:方剂组方原理、临床应用及实验研究。E-mail: 1713552545@qq.com。ORCID:0009-0009-6182-2335
  • 作者简介:梁天薇(1997—),女,硕士研究生,研究方向:特色方剂配伍及成药化研究。E-mail:1959494476@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Preparation Methods and Evaluation Criteria Analysis of Animal Models for Perimenopausal Syndrome

Tianwei LIANG, Yasheng DENG, Hui HUANG, Na RONG, Xin LIU, Yujie WANG, Jiang LIN()()   

  1. School of Basic Medical Science, Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine, Nanning 530200, China
  • Received:2023-05-11 Revised:2023-08-04 Published:2024-02-25 Online:2024-03-07
  • Contact: LIN Jiang (ORCID: 0009-0009-6182-2335), E-mail: 1713552545@qq.com


目的 对已报道的围绝经期综合征(perimenopausal syndrome,PS)动物模型制备方法进行综合分析,比较模型制备各要素和检测指标的优缺点,为优化相关动物模型并规范其在新药疗效评价中的运用提供有益参考。 方法 采用文献研究方法,以“围绝经期综合征”和“perimenopausal syndrome”等为主题词,在中国知网、万方数据、PubMed等数据库中检索2016年1月—2023年2月发表的与PS动物模型制备相关的文献,按照纳入标准和排除标准筛选出符合PS动物模型制备的实验文献,梳理文献中详细记载的实验动物品系、造模方法、给药时长、阳性药物、检测指标等相关信息。将上述信息统一进行标准化处理后,利用Excel2010表格建立PS动物模型数据库,系统归纳总结模型制备要素和评价指标,并用Excel 2010软件进行统计学处理和分析。 结果 共筛选出247篇文献。制备PS动物模型常选用SD大鼠(164次,65.86%)和Wistar大鼠(35次,14.06%)。造模方法常选择双侧卵巢摘除法(139次,53.87%)和自然老化法(43次,16.80%)。用于建模的大鼠年龄从7周龄~18月龄不等,其中以3月龄大鼠(22次,21.78%)最常用。关于检测指标,大多采用血清生化、阴道脱落细胞涂片、组织形态学、一般情况观察、行为学观察以及脏器组织蛋白免疫印迹等多指标进行综合评价。检验模型是否成功制备常选用西医评价指标,西医常用阴道脱落细胞涂片方法判定动情周期(125次,85.04%),待实验者观察到实验动物动情周期紊乱或不规则即可认为模型制备成功;同时也有部分文献通过检测发现血清雌二醇含量明显降低来判定造模成功(5次,3.04%)。中医证型评价常采用中西医评价指标相结合的方法进行综合评价,实验者通过阴道脱落细胞涂片辅以一般情况观察判断中医证型(3次,2.04%)。 结论 目前已有的PS动物模型制备方法较多,但相关研究在动物种属选择、动物年龄、造模成功标准、中医证型评价等方面仍存在较大差异。

关键词: 围绝经期综合征, 动物模型, 制备方法, 评价指标


Objective To comprehensively analyze the reported preparation methods for animal models of perimenopausal syndrome (PS), to compare the advantages and disadvantages of various preparation elements and detection indexes, so as to provide useful references for the optimization of the relevant animal models as well as the standardization of their application in the efficacy evaluation of new drugs. Methods In this paper, literature research methods were applied using "perimenopausal syndrome" as the subject term. The publication period of the literature was limited to January 2016 to February 2023. Relevant literature on the preparation of PS animal models was retrieved from databases such as China National Knowledge Infrastructure, Wanfang database, and PubMed. After screening the experimental literature that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria, detailed information on experimental animal strains, modeling methods, duration of drug administration, positive drugs, detection indexes and other relevant information were collected. After the above information was standardized, the PS animal model database was established using Excel 2010 software. The model preparation elements and evaluation indexes were summarized systematically, and the statistical results were processed and analyzed using Excel 2010 software. Results A total of 247 articles were screened. SD rats (164 times, 65.86%) and Wistar rats (35 times, 14.06%) were often used to prepare PS animal models. Bilateral ovariectomy (139 times, 53.87%) and natural aging (43 times, 16.80%) were chosen as modeling methods. The ages of rats used for modeling ranged from 7 weeks to 18 months, with 3-month-old rats (22 times, 21.78%) being the most common. The detection indexes were comprehensively evaluated from multiple perspectives, including serum biochemistry, vaginal exfoliated cell smear, histomorphology, general observation, behavioral observation, and organ tissue protein immunoblotting. Western medical evaluation indexes were commonly used to test the successful preparation of models, with vaginal exfoliated cell smears being the most frequently used method (125 times, 85.04%). A model was considered successfully prepared when estrous cycle disorder or irregularity was observed. Some literature also determined modeling success by detecting a significant decrease in serum estradiol levels (5 times, 3.04%). Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) syndrome evaluation often used a combination of Chinese and Western medical evaluation indexes for comprehensive evaluation, with researchers determining the TCM syndrome through vaginal exfoliated cell smears supplemented by general observation (3 times, 2.04%). Conclusion There are many methods for preparing PS animal models, but there are still significant differences in the selection of animal species, age, criteria for successful modeling, and TCM syndrome evaluation in the related literature.

Key words: Perimenopausal syndrome, Animal model, Preparation method, Evaluation index
