实验动物与比较医学 ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (2): 202-208.DOI: 10.12300/j.issn.1674-5817.2023.129

• 实验动物设施及管理 • 上一篇    下一篇


刘美佟()(), 陈长, 张兆强, 范荻, 胡旃, 马海玲()   

  1. 湖南省疾病预防控制中心, 长沙 410153
  • 收稿日期:2023-09-25 修回日期:2024-02-02 出版日期:2024-05-09 发布日期:2024-04-25
  • 通讯作者: 马海玲(1972—),女,硕士,主任技师,研究方向:微生物检验。E-mail:1179090555@qq.com
  • 作者简介:刘美佟(1991—),女,硕士,主管技师,研究方向:实验室生物安全和质量管理。E-mail:814536355@qq.com。ORCID:0009-0004-7439-402X
  • 基金资助:

Investigation on Current Biosafety Management Status in Laboratory Animal Institutions in Hunan Province

Meitong LIU()(), Zhang CHEN, Zhaoqiang ZHANG, Di FAN, Zhan HU, Hailing MA()   

  1. Hunan Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Changsha 410153, China
  • Received:2023-09-25 Revised:2024-02-02 Published:2024-04-25 Online:2024-05-09
  • Contact: MA Hailing, E-mail: 1179090555@qq.com


目的 通过问卷调查,进一步了解湖南省实验动物机构在生物安全管理方面的现状,查找管理工作中的“短板”,针对性地提出改进意见和建议。 方法 2023年7月对湖南省内40家实验动物机构发放调查问卷,内容主要包括实验室管理体系建立和整体运行情况、突发事件应急管理、医疗废弃物处置、实验动物运输管理、从业人员管理、环境设施消毒及设备使用维护等情况;同时在每家单位至少抽取1名实验动物饲育或实验操作人员,对共计50名从业人员的生物安全意识、动物咬伤情况和疫苗接种情况等进行问卷调查。结合文献查阅和比较研究等方法,从生物安全管理体系、人员培训、环境设施消毒及废弃物处置等方面,对湖南省实验动物生产、运输和使用过程中生物安全管理现状进行剖析并提出建议。 结果 在湖南省40家实验动物机构中,有39家(97.5%)建立了实验室管理体系,37家(92.5%)建立了实验动物突发事件应急预案,15家(37.5%)有完整的实验动物生物安全应急演练记录,39家(97.5%)建立了实验动物尸体及废弃物管理处置制度,26家(65.0%)有实验室生物安全风险评估报告。在8家生产单位中,4家(50.0%)制定了实验动物运输途中应急预案,7家(87.5%)使用专用车辆运输实验动物。在50名实验动物饲育或实验操作人员中,2人(4.0%)不了解实验动物应急预案或处置程序,6人(12.0%)未能做到在进行实验动物操作时穿戴个人防护装备,38人(76.0%)有被实验动物咬伤或抓伤经历。调查发现,湖南省内在实验动物突发事件应急管理、运输管理、人员管理等方面尚待完善,建议相关职能部门加大监督管理力度,建立本省的实验动物运输管理规范,督促各单位严格执行相关文件并开展应急演练,加强从业人员培训。 结论 湖南省40家实验动物机构的日常管理总体较为规范,运行情况良好,但在突发事件应急管理、运输管理、人员管理等方面仍需进一步加强,逐步提升实验动物安全管理水平,共同维护公共卫生安全。

关键词: 实验动物, 生物安全, 安全管理, 湖南省


Objective This study aimed to investigate the current status of biosafety management in laboratory animal institutions in Hunan Province, identify management shortcomings, and provide targeted recommendations for improvement. Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted in July 2023 among 40 laboratory animal institutions in Hunan Province, covering topics such as the establishment of laboratory management system and its overall operation status, emergency management for incidents, medical waste disposal, animal transportation, personnel practitioner management, environmental disinfection, and equipment maintenance. The awareness of biosafety, animal bite incidents, and vaccination history was surveyed from at least one animal feeder or experimental operation practitioner from each institution, totaling 50 practitioners. Through literature review and comparative analysis, this paper analyzed the current status of biosafety management in production, transportation, and use of laboratory animals in Hunan Province from aspects such as biosafety management systems, personnel training, disinfection of environmental facilities and waste disposal, and provided recommendations. Results Among the 40 laboratory animal institutions in Hunan Province,39 institutions (97.5%) had established laboratory management systems, 37 (92.5%) had emergency response plans for incidents of to transport laboratory animals, 15 (37.5%) had complete records of emergency drills for laboratory animal biosafety, and 39 (97.5%) had established protocols for carcass and waste management. Moreover, 26 institutions (65.0%) had laboratory biosafety risk assessment reports. 4 out of 8 (50.0%) production units had emergency plans for animal transportation, with 7 (87.5%) using special vehicles to transport laboratory animals. 2 (4.0%) of the 50 practitioners were unaware of emergency response plans, 6 participants (12.0%) did not consistently wear personal protective equipment, and 38 participants (76.0%) had been bitten or scratched by laboratory animals. The results of the survey showed that emergency management, transportation management and personnel management of laboratory animal incidents still need improvement in Hunan Province. Relevant functional departments should strengthen supervision and management efforts, establish local regulations for the transportation management of laboratory animals, ensure strict compliance with relevant documents, conduct emergency drills in all units, and strengthen training for practitioners. Conclusion While daily management practices in the 40 laboratory animal institutions in Hunan Province are generally satisfactory, there remains a need for further improvement in emergency management, transportation management, personnel management, etc. Gradually enhancing the level of laboratory animal safety management is essential to collectively safeguard public health safety.

Key words: Laboratory animals, Biosafety, Safety management, Hunan Province
