Laboratory Animal and Comparative Medicine ›› 2023, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (3): 297-306.DOI: 10.12300/j.issn.1674-5817.2023.004
• Animal Experimental Techniques and Methods • Previous Articles Next Articles
Shirong JIN1(), Ye HUA1(), Huaxing ZI2, Xufei DU1, Jiwen BU2()()
Jiwen BU
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Shirong JIN, Ye HUA, Huaxing ZI, Xufei DU, Jiwen BU. An Optimized Experimental Zebrafish Breeding Scheme for Significantly Enhancing Reproductive Efficiency and Service Life[J]. Laboratory Animal and Comparative Medicine, 2023, 43(3): 297-306.
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营养成分 Nutrition ingredients | 需求量 Requirement | 幼体卤虫(活) Larva brine shrimp (live) | 成体卤虫(冻) Adult brme shrimp (frozen) | 颗粒饲料1 Dry commercial diets-1 | 颗粒饲料2 Dry commercial diets-2 |
钙Calcium/% | 0.9~1.6 (斑马鱼)[ | 未检出 | 未检出 | 2.31 | 2.62 |
磷Phosphorus/% | 0.8~1.4 (斑马鱼)[ | 0.12 | 0.07 | 1.92 | 2.22 |
镁Magnesium/(mg·kg-1) | 600 mg/kg (鲤鱼)[ | 186 | 102 | 6 110 | 5 360 |
铁Iron/(mg·kg-1) | 150 mg/kg (鲤鱼)[ | 未检出 | 58.5 | 575 | 940 |
硒Selenium/(mg·kg-1) | 0.12 mg/kg (鲤鱼)[ | 0.15 | 0.27 | 3.22 | 4.55 |
锌Zinc/(mg·kg-1) | 15~30 mg/kg (鲤鱼)[ | 20 | 5.3 | 160 | 300 |
维生素B3 Vitamin B3/(mg·kg-1) | 30~40 mg/kg (鲤鱼)[ | 未检出 | 133 | 未检出 | 未检出 |
维生素C Vitamin C/(mg·kg-1) | 30~50 mg/kg (鲤鱼)[ | 50.5 | 102 | 1 000 | 3 960 |
维生素B2 Vitamin B2/(mg·kg-1) | 7~10 mg/kg (鲤鱼)[ | 未检出 | 未检出 | 38 | 84.8 |
Table 1 Nutrition ingredients of different diets
营养成分 Nutrition ingredients | 需求量 Requirement | 幼体卤虫(活) Larva brine shrimp (live) | 成体卤虫(冻) Adult brme shrimp (frozen) | 颗粒饲料1 Dry commercial diets-1 | 颗粒饲料2 Dry commercial diets-2 |
钙Calcium/% | 0.9~1.6 (斑马鱼)[ | 未检出 | 未检出 | 2.31 | 2.62 |
磷Phosphorus/% | 0.8~1.4 (斑马鱼)[ | 0.12 | 0.07 | 1.92 | 2.22 |
镁Magnesium/(mg·kg-1) | 600 mg/kg (鲤鱼)[ | 186 | 102 | 6 110 | 5 360 |
铁Iron/(mg·kg-1) | 150 mg/kg (鲤鱼)[ | 未检出 | 58.5 | 575 | 940 |
硒Selenium/(mg·kg-1) | 0.12 mg/kg (鲤鱼)[ | 0.15 | 0.27 | 3.22 | 4.55 |
锌Zinc/(mg·kg-1) | 15~30 mg/kg (鲤鱼)[ | 20 | 5.3 | 160 | 300 |
维生素B3 Vitamin B3/(mg·kg-1) | 30~40 mg/kg (鲤鱼)[ | 未检出 | 133 | 未检出 | 未检出 |
维生素C Vitamin C/(mg·kg-1) | 30~50 mg/kg (鲤鱼)[ | 50.5 | 102 | 1 000 | 3 960 |
维生素B2 Vitamin B2/(mg·kg-1) | 7~10 mg/kg (鲤鱼)[ | 未检出 | 未检出 | 38 | 84.8 |
Figure 1 Effects of dry commercial diets and adult brine shrimp on growth of zebrafishNote: Data are presented as means±SEM (n=9). A - B are the body length (A) and body weight (B) changes of zebrafish in dry commercial diets group and larva brine shrimp group (compared with larva brine shrimp group, **P<0.01, *P<0.05). C-D are the changes in body length (C) and body weight (D) of male and female zebrafish in adult brine shrimp group and larva brine shrimp group (compared with male and female zebrafish in larval brine shrimp group, ****P<0.000 1, ***P<0.001, **P<0.01, *P<0.05). dpf, age after fertilization.
Figure 2 Effects of different diets on reproductive characteristics of zebrafishNote: A, the typical appearance of zebrafish (♂ male, ♀ female) in dry commercial diets group, adult brine shrimp group and larva brine shrimp group. B is the comparison of spawning rate, spawning amount, fertilization rate and hatching rate of 3-month-old and 5-month-old zebrafish between adult brine shrimp group and larva brine shrimp group (9 zebrafish in each group. Spawning amount, fertilization rate and hatching rate are presented as means±SEM, **P<0.01).
Figure 3 Effect of dry commercial diets on goiter disease of zebrafishNote: A, Appearance of Zebrafish with goiter; B, Changes in thyroid diameter of Zebrafish after dry commercial diets feeding [Data are presented as means ±SEM (n=15), ?P<0.01, ????P<0.000 1, ns indicated no statistical difference].
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