Authors Instruction

  • Section 1: Publishing Scope

      Laboratory Animals and Comparative Medicine, founded in 1981, is the first professional academic journal in the field of laboratory animal science and technology in China. The journal publishes general and advanced academic content including new achievements, new progress and new information within the field, which consists of the construction of animal models for human diseases, the development and utilization of laboratory animal resources, the management of laboratory animals, the welfare and ethics of laboratory animals, the technology and methods of animal experiments, laboratory animal medicine, comparative medicine methods, and the basic and applied research on the application of laboratory animals in various fields of bio-medicine. The columns include Perspective, Original Research Article, Review, Experience, Practice and Exploration, Technologies and Platforms, Policies and Regulations, Newsletters, Research Trends, People and Book, etc. The aimed readers are practitioners in scientific research, education and medicine engaged in the production, breeding, detection and management of laboratory animals in the fields of biology, medicine, pharmacy, zoology and agronomy. We look forward to your submission.

    Section 2: Requirement for Manuscript

    1.General Requirements: Manuscript must be well conceived, strictly designed with standard materials (including the animal variety, strain, grade, sex, age, weight, source, breeding environment; the serial numbers of Production License, Use License and Quality Certificate shall be provided), reliable methods (animal experiments shall comply with the 3R-principle and pass the ethical review), accurate data and appropriate statistics for analysis and processing. Manuscript should be developed based on previous work and make new progress. Newsletters must have original results. Brief letters should contain innovation. Reviews should be completed by experts or their teams on their own research achievements in recent years, which should be forward-looking and instructive.

    2.Structure: Contents of original research articles are generally arranged in the following order: Chinese title, authors’ names and institutes, structural abstract and keywords, English title, authors’ names and institutes in English, English abstract and keywords, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion and references. The information of funding project, first author and corresponding author shall be placed in the footnote of the title page. Acknowledgement, Authors Contribution and Conflict of Interests shall be placed after the discussion. Headings at all levels in the text are arranged in the form of 1, 1.1, 1.1.1.

    3.Format: Submitted manuscript shall be WORD (*.doc) or LaTex (*.tex) documents with double spacing and full column. High-quality photos and graphs are compulsory (it is recommended to use Origin for drawing pictures, and then copy them into the document).

    4.Title: The title of manuscript shall be concise, specific and accurate, and shall be able to summarize the main idea of the article. Generally, the Chinese title should be less than 20 characters. Uncommon acronyms should be avoided. English title shall be consistent with the Chinese title in meaning, with the initial letter of each notional words capitalized.

    5.Abstract: Chinese and English abstracts should be independent and self-evident, completely and accurately reflecting the main content of the article. The word count should be about 500~800. Abstract of original research articles should be written in IMRAD structure, which consists of Objective, Methods, Results and Conclusion.

    6.Keywords: 3~5 Chinese and English keywords shall be selected from the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) of the National Library of Medicine. Chinese and English keywords should correspond.

    7.Main Body Text: Methods part should include enough details, especially the reformed and invented method or operating steps, so that others can repeat the research. Manufacturer/batch of reagents and manufacturer/model of equipment used in the research shall be indicated. Experimental grouping shall be explained in detail. Blank control, negative control and positive control shall be set in the research. Description of results should correspond to the methods part and include specific statistical analysis data. Discussion about the experimental results should be placed in the discussion part. For further requirements, please refer to the Requirement for Original Research Article and Requirements for Review in the "Manuscript Guideline" of this website.

    8.Statistics: Appropriate statistical methods shall be applied, and statistical symbols shall be written in accordance with Statistical Vocabulary and Symbols (GB/T 3358-2009). For example: (1) the measurement of normal distribution is represented by s, and the non-normal distribution is represented by the median M (quartile); (2) χ 2 value should be provided for Chi square test of enumeration data; (3) t value should be provided for t-test of independent samples of two comparative groups; (4) F-value should be provided for F-test of multi-group comparison, LSD-t test and SNK-q test shall be applied for pairwise comparison within the group and the corresponding t value or q value shall be given; (5) the value of correlation coefficient r should be provided for correlation analysis; (6) the specific range of P value should be given for test of statistical significance of differences.

    9.Figures and Tables: Figures and tables are numbered consecutively according to the order in which they appear in the text. Each figure and tables shall have a heading in both Chinese and English, and the content and note shall be in Chinese. Figures, tables and their notes shall be self-explanatory. Photographs shall have high definition and contrast, and original photograph shall be provided. Magnification (or scale) and staining method shall also be indicated in histopathological photos. Non-original charts must be provided with certificate of authorization. Please refer to the Requirement for Figures and Tables in "Manuscript Guideline" of this website.

    10.Units, Numbers and Symbols: Units of measurement shall comply with the requirements of the Legal Units of Measurement of The People's Republic of China. Numbers shall comply with the Provisions on the Use of Numbers in Publications (GB/T 15835-2011). The Gregorian calendar century, year, month, day, time, count and measurement shall be expressed in Arabic numerals. Please refer to the Requirement for Physical Units and Symbols in "Manuscript Guideline" of this website.

    11.Terminology: Scientific and technical terms shall be correctly used in a standardized manner (please refer to Terminology Online, The generic name (instead of trade name) shall be used for the drugs. Uncommon acronyms should be presented in the format of "Chinese full name (English full name, English acronym)" when they appear for the first time, and only the acronym be referred to later. Common acronyms of the journal can be used directly. Please refer to the List of Common Acronyms in "Manuscript Guideline" of this website.

    12.Funding Project: Please provide the certificate if the research is funded by a project, which generally is the copy of the first page of the fund launching notice (with official seal), including the fund title, number, project title (which must be consistent with the content of the article), person in charge and institute, starting and ending date and other relevant information. Please provided the funding project and number in the footnote of the title page of the article.

    13.Supplementary Materials: The journal encourages authors to provide multimedia materials as illustrations. In addition to necessary data and figures in the text, authors are encouraged to provide detailed and accurate supplementary materials (which should be original), such as detailed original data and photos, experimental or surgical operation video and instruction audio, model or three-dimensional image of equipment and platform, etc. These multimedia supplementary materials can make the article more evident, transparent and persuasive, and thus can facilitate the peer review and editing process. With the consent of the authors, these materials may be published on the website of the journal, so as to display research achievements and details to the readers, and to promote open science.

    14.References: References shall be listed in sequence according to Rules for Information and Literature References (GB/T 7714-2015), and shall be marked with Arabic numerals in square brackets after the corresponding words according to the order in which they appear in the text. The unique identification code (DOI) or electronic link of digital objects should also be listed if there is any. Chinese references shall be translated into English and placed under the same serial number. The Chinese reference in the upper place. The number of references should be more than 20 and should reflect the development of the discipline in recent years. Examples of format are as follows:
    (1) Journal Article
    [1]顾祖曦, 张超超, 蔡贞贞, 等. 动物实验信息化管理系统的开发和应用[J]. 实验动物与比较医学, 2016, 36(3):219-225. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-5817. 2016.03.013.
    GU Z X, ZHANG C C, CAI Z Z, et al. Development and application of animal experiment information management system[J]. Laboratory Animal and Comparative Medicine, 2016,36(3):219-225. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-5817. 2016.03.013.
    [2]ZOU H, LIU M, LUAN Y, et al. Pattern of novel object exploration in cynomolgus monkey Macaca fascicularis [J]. J Med Primatol, 2017, 46(2): 19-24. DOI: 10.1111/jmp.12251.
    (2) Monograph:
    [3]邓小明, 姚尚龙, 于布为, 等. 现代麻醉学[M]. 4版. 北京: 人民卫生出版社, 2014:476-483, 503-509.
    DENG X M, YAO S L, YU B W, et al. Modern anesthesiology[M]. Edition 4. Beijing: People's Health Publishing House, 2014: 476-483, 503-509.
    [4]DICKEY R P, BRINSDEN P R, PYRZAK R. 宫腔内人工授精与促排卵[M]. 全松, 陈雷宁, 译. 北京: 人民卫生出版社, 2011:19-30.
    DICKEY R P, BRINSDEN P R, PYRZAK R. Intrauterine insemination and ovulation induction[M]. translated by QUAN S, CHEN L N. Beijing: People's Health Publishing House, 2011:19-30.
    (3) Online Resource:
    [5]国家食品药品监督管理总局药品审评中心. 药物安全药理学研究技术指导原则[EB/OL]. (2014-05-13)[2020-05-01].
    State Administration for Food and Drug Regulation Drug Evaluation Center. The Technical guidelines for drug safety of pharmacology research [EB / OL]. (2014-05-13)[2020-05-01]. http://www.cde. org. cn/zdyz. do? method=largePage&id=d281d6b63f249a51.
    (4) Standard:
    [6]中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局, 中国国家标准化管理委员会. 实验动物福利伦理审查指南: GB/T 35892—2018[S]. 北京: 中国标准出版社, 2018.
    General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, China National Standardization Commission. Guidelines for ethical review of laboratory animal welfare: GB / T 35892—2018 [S]. Beijing: China Standards Press, 2018.
    (5) Dissertation:
    [7]张观坡. 谷氨酸兴奋毒性在糖尿病大鼠选择性nNOS神经元减少及胃轻瘫中的作用[D]. 上海: 第二军医大学, 2014.
    ZHANG G P. Glutamate excitotoxicity leads to selective loss of nNOS containing neurons and gastroparesis in diabetes rats[D]. Shanghai: Naval Medical University, 2014.
    (6) Patent:
    [8]邓欣, 白璐, 李森, 等. 一种小鼠卵巢分离及卵母细胞培养装置: CN201711455059.X[P]. 2017-12-28.
    DENG X, BAI L, LI S, et al A mouse ovary isolation and oocyte culture device: CN201711455059.X[P]. 2017-12-28.
    (7) Newspaper:
    [9]黄辛. 写在人类基因组南方中心成立10周年之际[N]. 科学时报, 2008-11-19 (A2).
    HUANG X. On the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Human Genome South Center [N]. Science Times, November 19, 2008 (A2). http://news. sciencenet. cn/htmlnews/2008/11/213385. html.
    (8) Conference Proceedings
    [10]曾桂英, 金成, 任东青, 等. 电磁脉冲辐照引起小鼠免疫功能和脾脏超微结构的变化[C]. 宁波: 第七届全军防原医学专业委员会第五届中国毒理学会放射毒理专业委员会学术会议, 2004.
    ZENG G Y, JIN C, REN D Q, et al. Electromagnetic pulse irradiation induced changes in immune function and spleen ultrastructure in mice[C]. Ningbo: the 7th Military Professional Committee of Antigenic Medicine, the 5th Academic Conference of Radiation Toxicology Committee of Chinese Society of Toxicology, 2004.
    (9)Profile, Regulation or Document:
    [11]国家科学技术委员会. 实验动物管理条例(第3次修订)[A/OL]. (2017-03-01) [2022-01-10].
    National Science and Technology Commission. Regulations on the administration of laboratory animals (Third Amendment) [A / OL]. (2017-03-01) [2022-01-10].

    Section 3: Fees

      All manuscripts submitted to the journal are exempted from review fee. However, an APC would be payable for the accepted manuscripts (RMB 200 / 1000 characters; RMB 1000 for a colored page). For excellent manuscripts or invited submissions, the APC may be discounted or waivered as appropriate. After the article is published, the editorial office will pay a one-off remuneration (including copyright transfer fee) and post 2 copies of the current issue to authors.

    Section 4: Method of Submission

      Please visit our official website, carefully read the “Policies & Instructions” and “Detailed Instruction” and then submit your manuscript at “Author Login”. In addition to your manuscript and necessary information, supporting documents listed should also be provided. Please refer to the Supplementary Documents and Instruction in "Manuscript Guideline" of this website.
    1. Recommendation Letter (stamped)
    2. Funding Certificate (if any)
    3. Materials related to experimental animals (if applicable), including:
     3.1 Production License for Laboratory Animals
     3.2 Quality Certificate of Laboratory Animals
     3.3 Use License of Laboratory Animals
     3.4 Animal Welfare Ethics Review Form
    4. Ethical Certificate for Human Trial (if Applicable)
    5. Authors Contribution Form
    6. Statement of Competing Interests
    7. Copyright Transfer Agreement

      The materials above do not need to be mailed. Instead, scanning or photocopies shall be compressed in a package file and uploaded via the "Copyright Agreement" button in the submission system. 
      Our QQ group number is 750879769. You are welcome to consult at any time. Once the manuscript is accepted, the editorial office will invite the first author and corresponding author to join the WeChat group of the accepted authors. Please note that we will only send E-mail to you from our official E-mail address. 

  • 2020-10-30 Visited: 7299