Laboratory Animal and Comparative Medicine ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (2): 149-161.DOI: 10.12300/j.issn.1674-5817.2023.127

• Animal Models of Human Diseases • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Effects of Puerarin on Bone Density in Rats and Mice: A Meta-analysis

Jinhua HU(), Jingjie HAN, Min JIN, Bin HU, Yuefen LOU()()   

  1. Departwent of Pharmacy, Shanghai Fourth People's Hospital Affiliated to Tongji University, Shanghai 200434, China
  • Received:2023-09-14 Revised:2024-02-07 Online:2024-04-25 Published:2024-05-09
  • Contact: Yuefen LOU


Objective To evaluate the effects of puerarin on bone density in rats and mice through a meta-analysis. Methods The databases, including CNKI, SinoMed, Wanfang data, VIP, PubMed, EMBase, Web of Science, the Cochrane Library, and Scopus from their inception to November 6, 2023, were searched for literature on the effects of puerarin treatment on bone density in rats and mice. Inclusion criteria for the literature were randomized controlled trials with a placebo or blank control group; the subject animals were rats or mice; the intervention was puerarin; and the results included bone density measurements. Exclusion criteria included combination therapy with puerarin; lack of original research data; unpublished studies; and using mandible as the measurement site for bone density. Risks of bias were assessed using SYRCLE's RoB tool. Data analysis was conducted with Stata 16.0 and Rev Man 5.3 software. Results After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, a total of 429 records were identified and 42 articles covering 41 studies were ultimately included. 925 animals were involved and the data analysis results indicated that puerarin improved bone density in rats and mice compared to the control group: femur [37 studies, n=824, standardized mean difference (SMD)=2.12, 95% confidence interval (CI)=1.69-2.54, P < 0.000 1], lumbar spine (13 studies, n=271, SMD=2.25, 95% CI=1.49-3.01, P < 0.000 1), tibia (4 studies, n=95, SMD=0.94, 95% CI=0.05-1.83, P=0.04), and the whole body (4 studies, n=94, SMD=1.89, 95% CI=0.50-3.29, P=0.008), with all inter-group differences in bone density being statistically significant. Conclusion Puerarin can improve bone density in rats and mice. This study provides a valuable reference for clinical studies on the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis with puerarin.

Key words: Puerarin, Bone density, Meta-analysis, Rats, Mice

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