实验动物与比较医学 ›› 2014, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (6): 507-508.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-5817.2014.06.016

所属专题: 实验动物设施设备

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魏社林, 袁文, 蔡巧冰   

  1. 广东省实验动物监测所, 广东省实验动物重点实验室, 广州510663
  • 收稿日期:2014-05-28 出版日期:2014-12-25 发布日期:2014-12-25
  • 作者简介:魏社林(1965-), 男, 硕士, 副研究员, 主要从事实验动物及标准化研究工作, E-mail:wesleysina@aliyun.com

Discussion on the Scientific Basis of Taking NOEV[dB(C)] as the Index and Limitation Value of Noise in Laboratory Animal Facility

WEI She-lin, YUAN Wen, CAI Qiao-bing   

  1. Guangdong laboratory Animals Monitoring Institute, Guangzhou510633
  • Received:2014-05-28 Online:2014-12-25 Published:2014-12-25

摘要: 我国实验动物环境及设施国家标准GB14925-2010以及国外相关标准噪声指标采用A声级噪声值dB(A),该指标以人类的听觉特性为基础。我国噪声标准限值为≤60 dB(A),亦来源于人类听觉要求。科学事实和已有科学研究显示目前采用的指标与限值均不尽合理,本文对此进行了综述论证。同时本文综合现有研究文献,提出以最大无可见影响客观噪声值NOEV[dB(C)],No observed Effect Volume [dB(C)],作实验动物环境及设施噪声标准的指标与限值,并推断得出不同种类实验动物的NOEV[dB(C)]是不同的。具体数值需要通过新的研究方可获得,本文或可为实验动物环境及设施噪声标准的指标与限值达到科学有据提出了研究方向。

关键词: 实验动物设施, 噪声标准, 无可见影响噪声值(NOEV), C声级噪声值[dB(C)]

Abstract: The index of noise is dB(A) in the national standard for laboratory animal facility and environment of P. R. China GB14925-2010 and in relative standards of many foreign countries. This index is based on the character of human being hearing. The limitation value of the noise in standard of P. R. China is ≤60 dB(A). That is also from the demand of human being hearing. But many natural evidences and scientific researches show that the index and limitation value is not reasonable nor scientific. The writers discussed such argument based on available scientific documents. And the writers proposed that NOEV[dB(C)], No observed Effect Volume [dB(C)], could be the suitable index and limitation value for noise in laboratory animal facility and environment based on available scientific documents, and derived that NOEV[dB(C)] is different between different laboratory animals. The detailed data could be obtained by new scientific researches. The revivew pointed out the direction for how to get the limitation value of noise in laboratory animal facility and environment.

Key words: Laboratory Animal Facility, Limitation Value of Noise, No Observed Effect Volume(NOEV), dB(C)
