Laboratory Animal and Comparative Medicine ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (1): 97-104.DOI: 10.12300/j.issn.1674-5817.2023.135
• Educational and Teaching Practice • Previous Articles Next Articles
Yishu LIU1(), Shanmin ZHAO2, Liping CAI3()()
Liping CAI
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Yishu LIU, Shanmin ZHAO, Liping CAI. Application and Comparison of Different Anesthetic Ventilation Methods in Minimally Invasive Thoracic Surgery Training[J]. Laboratory Animal and Comparative Medicine, 2024, 44(1): 97-104.
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指标 Indexes | 双肺通气组 (n=20) Two-lung ventilation group | 单肺通气组 (n=20) One-lung ventilation group | t值 | P值 |
动物体质量/kg Animal body weight/kg | 29.55±0.80 | 29.70±0.72 | 0.625 | 0.535 |
插管用时/min Intubation time/min | 5.25±1.30 | 14.35±3.27 | -11.557 | <0.001 |
插管成功率/% Intubation success rate/% | 100±0 | 100±0 | - | - |
Table 1 Comparison of anesthesia implementation indexes between two groups of animals ()
指标 Indexes | 双肺通气组 (n=20) Two-lung ventilation group | 单肺通气组 (n=20) One-lung ventilation group | t值 | P值 |
动物体质量/kg Animal body weight/kg | 29.55±0.80 | 29.70±0.72 | 0.625 | 0.535 |
插管用时/min Intubation time/min | 5.25±1.30 | 14.35±3.27 | -11.557 | <0.001 |
插管成功率/% Intubation success rate/% | 100±0 | 100±0 | - | - |
Figure 1 Comparison of vital signs indices between two groups of animalsNote:A-D, the numerical values of blood oxygen saturation (SpO2), end-expiratory carbon dioxide (ETCO2), heart rate (HR), and mean blood pressure (MAP) at 15 minutes (T1), 30 minutes (T2) after the establishment of artificial pneumothorax, and completion of surgery (T3). TLV represents the two-lung ventilation group (n=20), while OLV represents the one-lung ventilation group (n=20). Compared with T1, *P<0.05; Compared with T2, #P<0.05; Compared with the TLV group, &P<0.05.
Figure 2 Comparison of surgical training assessment between the two groups of animal surgeriesNote:A-C, the number of robotic arm collisions (times), surgical time (min), and blood loss (mL) during the surgical procedure. TLV represents the two-lung ventilation group (n=20), while OLV represents the one-lung ventilation group (n=20). nsP>0.05, vs TLV group.
Figure 3 Comparison of the thoracoscopic surgical field between the two groups of animalsNote:Figure A shows the view under thoracoscopy of the two-lung ventilation group, with the white arrow indicating the lung lobe under low tidal volume ventilation mode. Figure B shows the view under thoracoscopy of the one-lung ventilation group, with the white arrow indicating the collapsed lung lobe.
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