免疫功能正常的HBV cccDNA小鼠模型用于苦参碱和青蒿素抑制HBV的药效评价
伍悦, 吕小琴, 刘阳, 向霞, 赵中华, 徐如青, 潘朔寒, 何明忠, 张华堂, 赖国旗
Application of Immunocompetent HBV cccDNA Mouse Model in the Efficacy Evaluation of Matrine and Artemisinin on Inhibiting HBV
WU Yue, LÜ Xiaoqin, LIU Yang, XIANG Xia, ZHAO Zhonghua, XU Ruqing, PAN Shuohan, HE Mingzhong, ZHANG Huatang, LAI Guoqi
实验动物与比较医学 . 2021, (2): 108 -115 .  DOI: 10.12300/j.issn.1674-5817.2021.016