Laboratory Animal and Comparative Medicine ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (2): 220-226.DOI: 10.12300/j.issn.1674-5817.2023.162

• Facilities and Management for Laboratory Animals • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Discussion on the Construction and Operational Experience of Intelligent Control Systems for Laboratory Animal Facilities: Shenzhen Institute for Drug Control as an Example

Long ZENG(), Junpeng LI, Xiaowei WANG, Ning CHEN, Ping WANG()(), Meirong QIN()()   

  1. Shenzhen Institute for Drug Control, Key Laboratory for Monitoring and Evaluation of Cosmetics, State Administration for Market Regulation, Shenzhen 518057, China
  • Received:2023-11-20 Revised:2024-02-21 Online:2024-04-25 Published:2024-05-09
  • Contact: Ping WANG, Meirong QIN


Intelligent control systems can effectively assist in the construction and management of laboratory animal facilities, improving operational efficiency, ensuring the reliability of animal experimental results, and significantly saving human resources. The intelligent control system for laboratory animal facilities at Shenzhen Institute for Drug Control was completed in April 2021. It includes an intelligent management platform and an information management system for animal laboratories. The intelligent management platform regulates room environment parameters such as temperature, humidity, and pressure through building equipment management system, controlling devices such as the Venturi valve, electric air valve, electric water valve, and steam humidification valve. At the same time, various environmental parameters are monitored online through the environmental monitoring system. The laboratory’s intelligence is further enhanced by systems such as automatic lighting control, full HD video monitoring, automatic access control and door system, independent ventilation and feeding, automatic cleaning, automatic exhaust gas treatment, centralized gas supply, and real-time instrument parameter monitoring. The information management system for animal laboratories integrates inspection, instrument and equipment, personnel, documents, standard substances, reagents, inspection standards, books, records, scientific research management, relevant applications, quality management, and query statistics. For animal experimentation, a management module has been developed to achieve a comprehensive digitization of animal management. Furthermore, real-time collection and recording of data such as balance calibration, sample quality, and animal weight are facilitated through electronic experimental recording. In summary, the Animal Laboratory of Shenzhen Institute for Drug Control has extensively utilized intelligent systems to achieve real-time online control and monitoring, improve efficiency, ensure high-quality facility operation, and meet standard requirements. Smooth execution of all inspection and research activities has been achieved over the past three years. This paper provides insights into the construction, management, and operation of laboratory animal facilities at Shenzhen Institute for Drug Control, offering guidance for the implementation of intelligent control in similar facilities across China.

Key words: Laboratory animal facilities, Intelligent control, Informatization

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