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    Management of Experimental Animals

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    Exploration on Informatization of Laboratory Animal Management Process in Colleges and Universities: The Case of Zhejiang University
    CHEN Xiaojuan, LI Wei, WANG Lie
    Laboratory Animal and Comparative Medicine    2021, 41 (6): 554-558.   DOI: 10.12300/j.issn.1674-5817.2021.045
    Abstract556)   HTML47)    PDF (1813KB)(730)       Save
    Laboratory animal husbandry management, biosafety risk assessment, and ethical review of laboratory animals are core tasks of university laboratory animal centers. The Laboratory Animal Center of Zhejiang University reformed the informatization of the laboratory animal management process based on the framework of information management system combined with its own operation characteristics. It has established a full-process informatization system for supervising from project review, project implementation, to project final approval. The system has improved the efficiency of husbandary management, and strengthened the biosafety and welfare ethics of laboratory animals, providing a new idea for the management of laboratory animals in colleges and universities
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    Design and Application of an Online Centralized Procurement System for Laboratory Animals in Universities: Capital Medical University as an Example
    LIU Xiaonan, ZHANG Wei, MENG Xia, LU Jing
    Laboratory Animal and Comparative Medicine    2021, 41 (5): 459-465.   DOI: 10.12300/j.issn.1674-5817.2021.089
    Abstract433)   HTML30)    PDF (4470KB)(580)       Save
    The establishment of a network information platform for a centralized procurement system for laboratory animals in colleges and universities has made the inventory supply and settlement management of laboratory animals centers more systematic, convenient, and scientific. The application of this system in the Laboratory Animals Department of Capital Medical University was examined, and the results showed that the establishment of a clear centralized procurement management module could greatly save labor and time, improve the work efficiency, and standardize procurement and supply personnel. The findings strongly suggested that the network informatization of the centralized procurement system of laboratory animals in colleges and universities is necessary.
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    Design of Health Code Management Framework for Laboratory Animals
    JIANG Kun, TANG Yiwen, LIU Yanbin, CHEN Liming, TANG Hongbin
    Laboratory Animal and Comparative Medicine    2021, 41 (1): 66-69.   DOI: 10.12300/j.issn.1674-5817.2020.075
    Abstract614)   HTML40)    PDF (507KB)(445)       Save
    Health code is a form of two-dimensional electronic certificate with personal real data. It can greatly improve management efficiency when applied to the supervision of administrative licenses involving laboratory animals in the process of production, transportation, and use. According to the characteristics of provincial territorial management of laboratory animals, a unified information interface standard should be established to realize national mutual recognition for promoting industrial circulation. This would represent a development trend under 5G conditions such that network management of laboratory animals on the fixed end is transformed into information management of laboratory animals on mobile handsets.
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    Application of Experimental Material Inspection in Quality Control of SPF Mice
    CHEN Guoyuan, KANG Kang, LI Xiaoxian, JI Wentao, ZHANG Jinmei, FENG Yanhua, TIAN Qianying, WU Baojin
    Laboratory Animal and Comparative Medicine    2021, 41 (1): 61-65.   DOI: 10.12300/j.issn.1674-5817.2020.092
    Abstract543)   HTML41)    PDF (727KB)(588)       Save
    Objective To establish inspection methods for materials carried into barrier facilities housing specific pathogen-free (SPF) laboratory mice. Methods Experimental materials brought into a murine barrier facility were collected. Non-cellular material samples were cultured to identify whether samples harbored bacteria, and cell samples were screened for the presence or absence of mycoplasma using PCR. Results A total of 14 708 experimental materials were collected and evaluated over a 5-year period. The average positive rate for bacterial detection in 13 085 non-cellular samples was 1.99%, and the positive rate for mycoplasma in 1 623 cell samples was 4.81%. Positive detection rates for bacteria and mycoplasma have gradually decreased and have remained at low levels over recent years. Conclusion sIt is feasible to conduct continuous large-scale inspection, monitoring, and control of experimental materials used in animal barrier facilities. Inspection processes can strengthen the confidence of researchers performing aseptic treatment with animal experimental materials and enable facility managers to evaluate risks from experimental materials. Experimental material inspection is an effective measure for microbial quality control in SPF experimental mice.
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    Analysis on Carriage of Streptococcus pneumoniae in Captive Rhesus Macaques
    LIU Yu, LI Yanyan, ZHANG Wei, YANG Fengmei, LIU Quan, LI Yongjie, JIN Weihua, DUAN Suqin, WANG Junbin, CHEN Lixiong, XU Hongjie, ZHAO Yuan, HE Zhanlong
    Laboratory Animal and Comparative Medicine    2021, 41 (3): 259-265.   DOI: 10.12300/j.issn.1674-5817.2021.034
    Abstract488)   HTML33)    PDF (1564KB)(545)       Save
    Objective To explore the natural infection status of Streptococcus pneumoniae in captive bred rhesus macaques, and to provide reference for the clinical diagnosis and treatment of Streptococcus pneumoniae infection. Methods Twenty infant monkeys, 30 adult monkeys and 30 elderly monkeys were randomly selected from a rhesus macaques population, and the nasal swabs and pharynx swabs were collected and screened for Streptococcus pneumoniae simultaneously by bacterial culture and real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR. The mother monkeys of the positive infant monkeys were screened for Streptococcus pneumoniae. Gram staining method, Optochin drug sensitivity test, bile solubility test, inulin fermentation test and PCR amplification and sequencing were used to further identification. Results The positive rate of rhesus macaques carrying Streptococcus pneumoniae was 20% (4/20), and the mother macaques of the four positive infant macaques tested negative. The positive rate was 0% in both adult and elderly rhesus monkeys. The morphological observation results of the bacterial culture showed that the bacteria appeared gray and raised, and produced a surrounding green zone of hemolysis with a flattened center, indicating typical Streptococcus pneumoniae colony characteristics. The results of Gram dyeing, bile dissolution test, and inulin fermentation test were all positive, and the bacteria were sensitive to Optochin. The above results showed that the four strains isolated from the infant monkeys’ nasopharyngeal swabs were Streptococcus pneumoniae. Conclusion The investigation findings show that Streptococcus pneumoniae is mainly found in the noses and throats of 20% infant monkeys among rhesus macaques, and no vertical transmission from mother to child is found.
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    Strategies to Prevent and Eliminate Infetion of Corynebacterium bovis from Laboratory Animal Facility#br#
    LI Ming
    Laboratory Animal and Comparative Medicine    2020, 40 (3): 252-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-5817.2020.03.014
    Abstract967)      PDF (423KB)(575)       Save
    With the development of innovative medicine discovery, various kinds of immunodeficiency mice or severe combined immunodeficiency mice were more widely used in each research institutes. The newly raised problem is that the barrier environment and animal populations of more animal research facilities were contaminated by Corynebacterium bovis (C. bovis). At present, the  C. bovis has not been enrolled into SPF laboratory animal-microbiologic standards in China, although this opportunistic pathogen has great threat to immunodeficiency animals. As rapid spread contamination and extremely difficult elimination of C. bovis, it is an extensive disaster to immunodeficiency animal facilities, and there were no appropriate prevention and elimination solutions in the past. In this paper, based on the research progress and the experience of two animal research facilities in past six years, the feasible strategies to prevent and eliminate C. bovis from barrier facilities were proposed.
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    A Brief Introduction About Key Points of Management in ABSL-2 Laboratory
    YANG Hua, ZHAO Yong, SONG Zhigang, LI Shun, ZHOU Xiaohui
    Laboratory Animal and Comparative Medicine    2020, 40 (2): 149-153.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-5817.2020.02.011
    Abstract640)      PDF (481KB)(512)       Save
    Laboratory animals represent the important tools which were widely used for medical researches. The biosafety of laboratory animals and animal experiments have provided key base of the development of biomedical science and technology for human society. Currently, the animal biosafety level 2 (ABSL-2) laboratory are widely used in the fields of life sciences and medical researches. This review introduces the key points of management of ABSL-2 laboratory, including the structure designing, the administrational approving, the facility running, the management of human resources, the experimental operation, the emergency handling, and how to setup effective biosafety management system to avoid the leakage of bio-hazardous factors, to improve the animal laboratory biosafety level.
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    Summary of the Information Management System of Laboratory Animal in Colleges and Universities
    LI Wei, CHEN Xiaojuan, KE Xianfu, WANG Lie
    Laboratory Animal and Comparative Medicine    2020, 40 (2): 154-158.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-5817.2020.02.012
    Abstract387)      PDF (2711KB)(568)       Save
    In view of the complex situation of the management of the laboratory animal in colleges and universities, this paper analyzes the key elements of the management, explores the information management system suitable for the experimental animal in colleges and universities, gives full play to the standardization and intelligence of the management, and provides guarantee for the teaching and scientific research in colleges and universities. By introducing the design ideas and functional modules, this paper summarizes the new laboratory animal information management system .
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    Introduction of a Web-Based Novel Laboratory Animal Management System#br#
    HU Yongyan, TAO Yinghong, KONG Shenshen
    Laboratory Animal and Comparative Medicine    2020, 40 (3): 257-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-5817.2020.03.015
    Abstract362)      PDF (779KB)(707)       Save
     Laboratory animal facility is a scientific research platform which is raising, using and managing the laboratory animals. More scientific and effective management approaches used in the facility could assist users to obtain accurate research results more efficiently. This paper introduced a new developed information management system by using an open source database software MYSQL. It was developed based upon the needs of practice and could be applied to small scale laboratory animal research platform. The function of this system consists of ethical management, animal ordering, cage message record and statistical analysis. With the support from internet, QR code and mobile terminal technologies, the researchers are able to conduct the experiment application, check and view the animal condition, collect cage information in actual time, and order the cage by using a mobile terminal. The administrative staffs of the facility receive and process all applications and orders either in the lab computer or in their personal mobile phone. This system is well met the real requirements of daily work in our facility. The system enables researchers and facility staffs update the information, collect data, indicate malfunction in real-time, share the data and information simultaneously and conduct the relative calculation and analysis. All of these performances are conducted online in paralleled, which significantly reduces errors and saves labor cost. 
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    Application of Sentinel Animals in Barrier Environment
    ZHAO Yong, FAN Chun, ZHU Minjuan, JIN Yi, CHEN Guoqiang
    Laboratory Animal and Comparative Medicine    2020, 40 (1): 70-73.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-5817.2020.01.012
    Abstract576)      PDF (346KB)(498)       Save
    Sentinel animals in barrier environment should not only take into account the species, strain, sex, age, quantity, contact mode, placement position and detection frequency, but also the elimination of interference of animal stress on the monitoring results. Aaccording to the 3R theory of laboratory animals, make full use of sentinel animals as feed nutrition monitoring sentinel animals, put forward to set up the number of sentinel animals, that is the actual detection number of sentinel animals.
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