
    Invitation Letter for the "Frontier Literature Review" Column of Laboratory Animal and Comparative Medicine
  • A Review of Frontier Literature in " Laboratory Animal and Comparative Medicine " - Invitation Letter for Youth Editorial Column

    The Youth Editorial Committee was newly established on the occasion of the seventh editorial committee election for " Laboratory Animal and Comparative Medicine " in January 2022. The 44 young experts who shall be under the age of 45 and have a title of deputy senior or above or have doctoral degree.make up the Youth Editorial Committee for this publication. Members serve two-year terms. Our journal has opened a special literature review column that focuses on the cutting edge of experimental animal and comparative medicine research in an effort to inspire the young academics who make up our editorial board to develop their own skills as well as their enthusiasm and sense of mission in participating in academic exchanges and journal construction at home and abroad.

    The lead author of this column should be our young editorial board member or a similarly qualified young researcher from both home and abroad. A methodological introduction, result review, or analogical research outlook based on 1-3 great publications in the most recent (within 3 months) domestic and international literature on the breakthrough progress in a certain important, hot topic, or developing research field are required for the essay. The article's subject matter must be relevant to the author's research or be of interest to them. The author is encouraged to offer their own ideas and opinions based on the team's pertinent research. To make it easier for readers to learn, it is recommended that results and the author's opinions are presented using methodological flowcharts or succinct, captivating visuals. The word count is typically kept under 8 000 words.

    This column aims to popularize and improve and assist in the construction of young research teams. Therefore, we also welcome senior editorial experts or high-level research scholars (with senior professional titles) from home and abroad to actively participate in this column's writing and recommendation work. We can also provide hot information to guide young authors and positively contribute to the technological development, talent cultivation and academic exchange platform construction of experimental animals and comparative medicine in China.

    All submissions for this column will go through the green channel, with quick review, editing and proofreading, and fast digital publishing. The publication cycle is generally limited to 2 months.

    The submission requirements are the same as for regular papers.

    Consultation hotline: 021-50793657

    Contact email:

    Submission address: http://www.slarc. org. cn/dwyx

  • Pubdate: 2023-06-07    Viewed: 478