
    Announcement for the 2023 Special Topic Draft of " Laboratory Animal and Comparative Medicine "
  • Announcement for the 2023 Special Topic Draft of " Laboratory Animal and Comparative Medicine "

    The Journal of Experimental Animals and Comparative Medicine will uphold its original goals in 2023, maintain its commitment to honesty and innovation, and work to strengthen its leadership and academic service capacities. It will create a better standard academic exchange platform for China's talent development and technological advancement in the fields of comparative medicine and experimental animals. We are now seeking submissions from experimental animal technology workers and biopharmaceutical research and development scholars across the nation based on the professional qualities of this journal and the cutting-edge research advancement both domestically and internationally.

    Topic selection (Allow self-designed topics, including but not limited to the following topics)

    (1) Introduction to Excellent Teams in Experimental Animals and Comparative Medicine at Home and Abroad;

    (2) Special topic on the development and utilization of new experimental animal resources with Chinese characteristics and independent intellectual property rights;

    (3) A special topic on the design of animal experimental research plans (including statistical analysis methods);

    (4) Comparative medical topics on the use of large and medium-sized animals such as pigs for cardiovascular and organ transplantation;

    (5) Special topic on new technologies and standardization for quality control of experimental animals;

    (6) Special topic on the construction and operation management of experimental animal environmental facilities and technology support platforms;

    (7) Experimental animal welfare ethics and alternative technologies (3D biological printing, organoid, etc.);

    (8) Special topics on experimental animals related to medical materials, medical devices, and drug research and development;

    (9) Special topics on the establishment of animal models of human diseases and the application of new technologies (genome editing or other genetic modifications, etc.);

    (10) Special topics on life and health communities and research on zoonotic diseases.

    Requirements for Manuscripts

    (1) The submission must be an original paper, written in the same format as our regular publications or reviews. You can download relevant literature from 2022 for free on our official website for reference.

    (2) Manuscripts must be prepared in accordance with our journal's "Terms of Reference" and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors' (ICMJE) "Recommended Practices for Academic Research Implementation and Reporting, and Editing and Publishing of Medical Journals" (for more information, see the "Submission Guidelines" and "Required Submissions" on our official website).

    (3) All articles must be submitted electronically on this journal's official website, with an indication of the topic or direction for submission (self-drafting is permitted).

    Publication and Award Evaluation of Three Papers

    (1) For special contributions, this journal will invite relevant experts as executive editorial board members to conduct academic checks and comments.

    (2) Prioritize the selection of excellent papers and conduct multi-channel and multimedia promotion and publicity through various university academic platforms.

    (3) Welcome excellent teams who have undertaken national major special projects and provincial and ministerial level funding projects to submit multiple articles simultaneously. This journal will open a green channel and prioritize review and publication.

    Submission consultation QQ group number: 750879769.

    The contact number of the editorial department is 021-50793637.

    The official website address of the journal is: http://www.slarc. org. cn/dwyx.

  • Pubdate: 2023-06-07    Viewed: 399